Syllabi for

Welcome to World Literature
E.E. Smith H.S.                                                                                   (910)483-0153


English IIStudents in English II read, discuss, and write about both classical and contemporary world literature (excluding British and American authors) through which students will identify cultural significance.  In addition to literature study, students will: examine non-literary texts related to cultural studies, research materials, critically interpret and evaluate experience, literature, language and ideas, and use standard grammatical conventions and select feature of language appropriate to purpose, audience, and context of work.  If students take English II during the Fall semester, they will take the NC Writing Test along with Spring semester English II students.  ExpectationsIt is necessary to have a cooperative and organized structure in which all students can learn.  Most students understand this and are very successful throughout the semester.  This helps in building an environment with a strong spirit of teamwork.  I believe that each student is responsible for his or her own success in the classroom.  Therefore, I will expect students to follow all rules, procedures and expectations set forth in our English II class.
  1. Students will treat classmates, teachers, and all adults with courtesy and respect.
  2. The teacher dismisses students, not the bell.
  3. Students must sit in their assigned seat.
  4. Students will come prepared with required materials and homework. Before the bell rings, you should be seated and starting on your daily grammar practice (warm-up). 
  5. I will not waste our time.  Therefore, you must sleep; go to the bathroom, water fountain, locker, or office on your own time.  (Putting one’s head down is NOT ALLOWED.  (If you have a medical condition, please tell me immediately and have your doctor’s note on file in the front office.
  6. Be on time. School-wide policy for tardies is ISS.   
  8. Grooming is not allowed (twisting, braiding, applying makeup, or brushing)
  9. Students will avoid putting their hands on other students at any time for any reason.  (This includes, but is not limited to, playing or play fighting)
  10. Students are responsible for obtaining any make-up work from the teacher on their own time.  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to notify me.
  11. Academic Dishonesty of any kind (cheating/sharing answers/copy-paste) will result in disciplinary action and a zero grade.
  12. Students will follow all classroom expectations at all times, even when a substitute teacher is present.
  13. Students will adhere to the E.E. Smith High School and Cumberland County Board of Education Regulations.

 **Refer to your Code of Conduct handbook and E.E. Smith H.S. student handbook as needed.**ConsequencesStudents will incur these consequences based on the severity of the situation.*Verbal warning              *Communication with parent/guardian                               *Detention *Referral to administration 

Grading CriteriaI BELIEVE all of you are scholars and excellent achievers.  No matter what previous teachers, other students, or people have said about you, I believe in your success. J Remember this throughout the semester J

Tests 40%          Quizzes 30%          Classwork/Homework 20%           Class Participation 10%

 Textbook: The student’s textbook is important to their success in the classroom.  The student must take care of their textbook and will be held responsible for any damages.  Textbooks may not be left in the classroom.  Because our textbooks are relatively new, students may incur up to 100% of the total cost of the book ($68) if it is lost, misplaced, or damaged.Notebook/Portfolio: Each student must have a 3 ring binder.  Students should be sure to keep their syllabus and agenda in their notebook at all times.  Daily Work: Participation, conduct, and preparation are important parts of an effective learning environment.  Students must bring all learning materials daily.  These items include: textbook, notebook and paper, writing utensils, and a pocket dictionary as well as a day planner is suggested but not required. Attendance: If you are absent, turn in any missed work immediately.  If your absence is not a Code 1 absence, your work will be late and deducted accordingly.  Students absent more than eight days may be in danger of failing the course.  Upon the date of your return be sure to speak to me before or after class to receive any make-up work.  Tests/Projects/Essays/Homework: Students should turn in all work on time.  If you turn in your work after I have already collected the assignment, it is late.  Late assignments receive a 10-point deduction per day.Progress Reports: Progress reports are sent home once per marking period.  Students must return their progress report signed by a parent or guardian for a grade.Tutoring:   Please no wait until the end of the semester to get help in any area of English II.  The tutoring schedule is as follows: Tuesday (A7), Wednesday (A15), and Thursday (A10).Parent Conferences: If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact me by email or leave a message in the front office.  I will contact you as soon as possible.   I am looking forward to working with you and your child and hoping for what I know will be a successful semester for us both.   Sincerely,    Mrs. Leggette

Welcome to American Literature


English IIIStudents in English III read, discuss, and write about American literature.  In addition to literature study, students will: analyze expressive writing, produce oral and written presentations that inform an audience, critically interpret and evaluate experience, literature, language and ideas, and use standard grammatical conventions and select feature of language appropriate to purpose, audience, and context of work.  English III students are required to complete a Junior Project, which consists of their research paper for their Senior Project next year.                              ExpectationsIt is necessary to have a cooperative and organized structure in which all students can learn.  Most students understand this and are very successful throughout the semester.  This helps in building an environment with a strong spirit of teamwork.  I believe that each student is responsible for his or her own success in the classroom.  However, I will exhaust every effort to ensure my students succeed.  Therefore, I will expect students to follow all rules, procedures and expectations set forth in our English III class. 
  1. Students will treat classmates, teachers, and all adults with courtesy and respect.
  2. The teacher dismisses students, not the bell.
  3. Students must sit in their assigned seat.
  4. Students will come prepared with required materials and homework. Before the bell rings, you should be seated and starting on your daily oral language (warm-up). 
  5. I will not waste our time.  Therefore, you must sleep; go to the bathroom, water fountain, locker, or office on your own time.  (Putting one’s head down is NOT ALLOWED.  (If you have a medical condition, please tell me immediately and have your doctor’s note on file in the front office.
  6. Be on time. School-wide policy for tardies is ISS.   
  8. Grooming is not allowed (twisting, braiding, applying makeup, or brushing)
  9. Students will avoid putting their hands on other students at any time for any reason.  (This includes, but is not limited to, playing or play fighting)
  10. Students are responsible for obtaining any make-up work from the teacher on their own time.  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to notify me.
  11. Academic Dishonesty of any kind (cheating/sharing answers/copy-paste) will result in disciplinary action and a zero grade.
  12. Students will follow all classroom expectations at all times, even when a substitute teacher is present.
  13. Students will adhere to the E.E. Smith High School and Cumberland County Board of Education Regulations.

**Refer to your Code of Conduct handbook and E.E. Smith H.S. student handbook as needed.**ConsequencesStudents will incur these consequences based on the severity of the situation.*Verbal warning              *Communication with parent/guardian                               *Detention *Referral to administration 

Grading CriteriaI BELIEVE all of you are scholars and excellent achievers.  No matter what previous teachers, other students, or people have said about you, I believe in your success. J Remember this throughout the semester J                                                                                                                                             

Tests 40%          Quizzes 30%          Classwork/Homework 20%           Class Participation 10%

  Textbook: The student’s textbook is important to their success in the classroom.  The student must take care of their textbook and will be held responsible for any damages.  Textbooks may not be left in the classroom.  Because our textbooks are relatively new, students may incur up to 100% of the total cost of the book ($72) if it is lost, misplaced, or damaged.Notebook/Portfolio: Each student must have a 3 ring binder filled with blank loose leaf paper.  Students should be sure to keep their syllabus in their notebook at all times.    Daily Work: Participation, conduct, and preparation are important parts of an effective learning environment.  Students must bring all learning materials daily.  These items include: textbook, notebook and paper, writing utensils, and a pocket dictionary as well as a day planner is suggested but not required. Attendance: If you are absent, turn in any missed work immediately.  If your absence is not a Code 1 absence, your work will be late and deducted accordingly.  Students absent more than eight days may be in danger of failing the course.  Upon the date of your return be sure to speak to me before or after class to receive any make-up work.  Tests/Projects/Essays/Homework: Students should turn in all work on time, at the beginning of class.  If you turn in your work after I have already collected the assignment, it is late.  Late assignments receive a 10-point deduction per day.Progress Reports: Progress reports are sent home once per marking period.  Students must return their progress report signed by a parent or guardian for a grade.

Tutoring:   Do not wait until the end of the semester to get help in any area of English III.  Tutoring schedule is as follows: Tuesday (A7), Wednesday (A15), and Thursday(A10).

Parent Conferences: If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact me by email or leave a message in the front office.  I will contact you as soon as possible.    I am looking forward to working with you and your child and hoping for what I know will be a successful semester for us both.   Sincerely,    Mrs. Leggette